Rural communities in Cameroon depend heavily on fuel wood for cooking and heating. Fuel wood extraction results in massive deforestation and also land degradation. In the rural communities, averagely 3 tons of fuel wood is used up by a single household per year
In the Northwest and Southwest Regions alone, this translates into the loss of 30 ha of forest yearly. We promote energy alternatives that can reduce the use of fuelwood. Our ambition is to cut down on fuel wood consumption by 65% in 15 years starting in the Western highlands zone of Cameroon
Our solutions:
The introduction of the use of biogas at domestic level: adoption of Domestic Biogas Technology into integrated Dairy Cattle Farming. The utilization of the full potential of biogas technology contributes to increasing cheap domestic energy availability.
Promotion, marketing and installation of solar energy systems for lighting. 68% of rural communities in Cameroon are not connected to the national electricity grid.